Korean Law for Foreigners
The "Korean Law for Foreigners Blog" is all about topics relevant to both Korean expats and foreigners abroad.
Case won against an insurance company in Korea
Case won against an insurance company in Korea The client was standing in the parking lot of the car repair center, and the car repair center staff did not see and ended up hitting the client's back while backing up…
Debt collection when debtor claims 50% discount
Debt Collection - Korea The client in this case regarding debt collection in Korea provided goods to a company based in South Korea, but the latter refused to pay the former. The Korean company claimed that there had been an agreement with…
Relocation of Pureum Law Office to Gongdeok in Seoul
The Lawyer in Gongdeok In an effort to better serve expats in Korea, we are happy to announce that we have relocated our office to one of the most convenience locations in Seoul! We are now just a 1-minute walk from exit…
Acquisitive Prescription: 20 Years Ownership
Acquisitive Prescription - South Korea The client in this case of Acquisitive Prescription - South Korea had sold a parcel of land to person A, but the latter did not register their ownership rights. Meanwhile, person B contacted our client and said…
Acquitted after being charged with obstruction of justice – South Korea
Acquitted after being charged with obstruction of justice - South Korea Pureum Law Office (PLO) recently defended a foreign client who had been put on trial and falsely accused of violating South Korea's Criminal Act and Immigration Act. Our client was eventually…
Obligee’s Right of Revocation – South Korea
Obligee's Right of Revocation - South Korea The client in this case and his spouse were sued by a person in South Korea who claimed the Right of Revocation based on an allegation that the act of the client’s spouse, whereby she…
False accusation of a sex crime
False Accusation of a Sex Crime In this case involving false accusation of a sex crime, our client had consensual intercourse with the alleged victim, but the latter changed her attitude after the fact and filed a criminal complaint with the police…
COVID-19 Immigration-related Measures
COVID-19 Immigration-related Measures The following immigration-related measures are a set of frequently asked questions (FAQs) and points provided by the Ministry of Justice Situation Room in regards to the COVID-19 situation, published on February 19, 2020. *Please note that this is an…
Simon D. Lee officially certified as an Expert Divorce Attorney!
Korean Bar Association certifies Simon D. Lee as an “Expert Divorce Attorney” Over the past 3 years attorney Simon D. Lee has successfully resolved over 30 divorce cases, thereby reaching the milestone of 120 hours of professional assistance, for which the Korean…