Sexual Harassment in Public Suspended

September 1, 2021

Sexual Harassment in Public Suspended Indictment


The client was intoxicated at a friend’s house and was investigated by the police for forcibly molesting a woman on the way home.

The client said he had no memory of her actions, but when he saw CCTV from the police, he found out that he had molested her by touching the buttocks of a woman waiting for a taxi on her side of the road.

The client is a foreigner with a Korean spouse, and it was necessary to minimize her punishment because if he was punished for a sex offense, he would be deported or ordered to leave the country.

Pureum Law Office did its best to reach an agreement with the other party, and by keeping the amount of the agreement as low as possible, PLO helped the client reach an agreement with the other party.

In the end, the client was able to receive a suspension of the indictment, which was the lowest punishment.

Sexual harassment in public suspended